Parents Supporting Parents
We are very excited to start a new program through Autism Family Network.
Our Spot is a support group solely for parents/caregivers of those with special needs. We would like to have our first meeting by Zoom. We will listen to your ideas and get to know each other. This meeting will be held every Thursdays from 12:00pm – 1:30pm.
Event Date | 09-23-2021 12:00 pm |
Event End Date | 09-23-2021 1:30 pm |
Individual Price | FREE |
AFN Family Dance Party with DJ Stoney! Everyoone welcome!
Event Date | 09-25-2021 5:00 pm |
Event End Date | 09-25-2021 7:00 pm |
Individual Price | Free |
Parents Supporting Parents
We are very excited to start a new program through Autism Family Network.
Our Spot is a support group solely for parents/caregivers of those with special needs. We would like to have our first meeting by Zoom. We will listen to your ideas and get to know each other. This meeting will be held every Thursdays from 12:00pm – 1:30pm.
Parents Supporting Parents
Estamos muy emocionados de comenzar un nuevo programa a través del Enlace Familiar de Autismo (Autism Family Network). “Our Spot” es un grupo de apoyo exclusivo para padres / cuidadores de personas con necesidades especiales. Nos gustaría tener nuestro primer encuentro por Zoom. Escucharemos sus ideas y nos conoceremos. Esta reunión se llevará a cabo el jueves 9 de septiembre de 12:00 pm a 1:30 pm.
“Our Spot” será un lugar para relajarse y hablar sobre lo que tenemos en mente. Al compartir nuestras experiencias, brindamos ideas y recursos a otras personas que se encuentran en situaciones similares. También podemos usar
Event Date | 10-14-2021 12:00 pm |
Event End Date | 10-14-2021 1:30 pm |
Individual Price | FREE |
Event Date | 10-16-2021 |
Individual Price | FREE |
AFN and New Hope Communcity Chruch Canned Food Drive
November 14th-November 21st
Event Date | 11-14-2021 11:00 am |
Event End Date | 11-30-2021 1:00 pm |
Individual Price | FREE |